Action Steps
Go on a walk.
Choose plants that are beneficial for native pollinators and fauna local to your area.
a threatened and endangered species in your area.
Take only photos and leave only footprints.
Support intersectional environmentalism
Nature is for everyone.
Challenge your unexamined beliefs about who belongs in the outdoors. Donate to organizations that acknowledge that the struggle for environmental, racial and economic justice are intertwined.
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice
The Dream Corps Green For All
Outdoor Afro
Latino Outdoors
Center for Diversity and the Environment
Spread the word.
Be an ally.
Consider wildlife.
Pesticides and rodenticides affect more than just those they are targeting and can impact wildlife up the food chain. Glue traps and netting can capture more than intended. You can find a list of ways to responsibly live with wildlife here.
Keep cats indoors or closely monitor their outdoor time. Read more about Cats and the outdoors here. and take these actions to keep your cat and wildlife safe! If your cat is used to spending time outside already, consider building them a Catio so they can do so safely! Free Catio plans here.
Consider installing a Bat House at your residence and taking other steps to provide safe shelter for bats.
California native plants in your garden provide nectar and pollen to native bees, which are 200 times more effective than honey bees! Make sure to provide some water in a shallow dish filled with stones or marbles for thirsty bees, as well as some un-mulched ground and old plant matter for nesting.